My Summer Journey

My Summer Journey

HSC Intern

     Hi everyone, I am Nikole Cain and I will be interning with Harveyville Seed Company for the summer of 2016. For those who do not know me, I am a Mission Valley High School 2015 grad and am now attending Kansas State University pursuing a degree in Agriculture Education with minors in Leadership Studies and Animal Science. I am a member of the K-State Women's Rowing team and I have a strong passion for agriculture.


     Some of my responsibilities for the next few months include organizing and hosting the 1st Harveyville Seed Company Garden Camp. This is a community outreach project aimed for 8-12 year olds in the surrounding Harveyville area to teach the concepts of "food to fork", where our food comes from and how it grows. This is a major concept that needs to be taught even in rural areas, such as Harveyville, considering the average family is 3 times or more removed from the farm. The Garden Camp will be the perfect opportunity to provide the youth in this area to get their hands a little dirty and gain some knowledge and have some summer fun along the way.

     Another major project that I will be working on throughout my internship is increasing and promoting the social outreach of Harveyville Seed Company. Through Facebook postings, Twitter feeds, and even this blog the hope is to connect with more people and to keep those interested and aware of Harveyville Seed Company updated and informed on the latest agriculture news and what is happening here at Harveyville Seed Company. After all, business and people thrive through interconnectedness with their surrounding community and supporters.

     I am excited for this journey with Harveyville Seed Company and plan to learn a little, teach a little, and enjoy life a whole lot along this wonderful ride!


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