Available in Small Packets and Bulk


Planting Guide

50 Foot Row:  1 lb. (1/2 lb. Small)                                        
Per Acre: 60-75 lbs. (30 lbs. Small)
Planting Depth: 1 1/2 inches
Spacing in Row: 4-6 inches
Rows Apart: 2-3 feet
Planting Date: April to August
Days to Emergence: 7
Common Insects: Mexican Bean Beetle, Aphids, Seed Corn Maggots

Notes:  Beans are easily killed by frost. Can be grown in average soil anywhere but need well drained soil and a consistently warm summer. Seeds rot in cold, damp ground. Thrive in fertile loam without addition of fertilizer. Plant sections in 2 week intervals. Thin plants at 2-3 inch height to 4-6 inches apart. Plants grow 15 to 20 inches tall. Pick pods while young. Do not cultivate or pick while wet with dew. Keep mature pods picked off.

from $ 4.00 USD
from $ 3.58 USD
from $ 3.74 USD
from $ 7.25 USD